Senin, 25 Juni 2012


(ketik di notepa>save as di folder sony) import*; public class latih6{ public static void main(String Arg[])throws IOException{ String str; int jumlah,harga=0;double total,disc=0; BufferedReader Get=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print("jumlah lembar copy:");str=Get.readLine(); jumlah=Integer.parseInt(str); if (jumlah>500) harga=90; else if(jumlah>250) harga=105; else if(jumlah>100) harga=125; else harga=150; total=harga*jumlah; System.out.println("harga :"+harga); if (jumlah>600)disc=0.1*total; System.out.println("discount :"+disc+"\n Total Harga Rp."+total); System.out.println("total bayar Rp."+(total-disc)); } } ketik run>cmd Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\Sony>set path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_11\bin C:\Documents and Settings\Sony>javac latih6.javac javac: invalid flag: latih6.javac Usage: javac where possible options include: -g Generate all debugging info -g:none Generate no debugging info -g:{lines,vars,source} Generate only some debugging info -nowarn Generate no warnings -verbose Output messages about what the compiler is doing -deprecation Output source locations where deprecated APIs are u sed -classpath Specify where to find user class files -cp Specify where to find user class files -sourcepath Specify where to find input source files -bootclasspath Override location of bootstrap class files -extdirs Override location of installed extensions -endorseddirs Override location of endorsed standards path -d Specify where to place generated class files -encoding Specify character encoding used by source files -source Provide source compatibility with specified release -target Generate class files for specific VM version -version Version information -help Print a synopsis of standard options -X Print a synopsis of nonstandard options -J Pass directly to the runtime system C:\Documents and Settings\Sony>java latih6 jumlah lembar copy:34 harga :150 discount :0.0 Total Harga Rp.5100.0 total bayar Rp.5100.0 C:\Documents and Settings\Sony>

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